Mobile Air Monitoring Unit

- This unit is equipped with Thermo Environmental Instruments Analyzers
- Data is recorded continuously by onboard computer systems and stored
- Distances and positions of the unit are observed and recorded by GPS
- Unit is equipped with Goggle Earth GPS mapping.
- Web based vehicle tracking, Trackem software lets the customer know exactly where unit is at all times via website
- The unit is equipped to detect the following parameters:
- Hydrogen Sulphide
- Low Range 0-10 ppb
- High Range 0-10,000 ppb (0-10 ppm)
- Sulphur Dioxide
- Low Range 0 – 1,000 ppb (0 – 1 ppm)
- High Range 0- 100,000 ppb (0-100ppm)
- Wind Speed 0-200 km/hr
- Wind Direction 0-360 deg
- Generator with backup inverter power supply and UPS.